Immagine Italia & Co. e Firenze HomeTexStyle
Speakers: Marco Pisani IntimaGroup and Massimo Torti Federazione Moda Italia
30 minutes
Meeting area
A thoughtful selection of the FW24/25 trends of the best brands shown in fair
On stage: Acquadicocco, Amadine, Annette Lingerie, Antigel, Brigitte Bardot, Calida, Clara, Chantelle, Chantelle Pulp, Gary, Lise Charmel, Mey, Morgan, Oscalito, Promise, Sans Complexe Paris, Simone Pérèle
Fashion Show Area
Tasting offered by the companies of the Consortium Italian Lingerie Export
60 minutes Networking
Italian Lingerie Area
Underbeach for Immagine Italia & Co. and the virtuous circuit with Maredamare for the Lingerie, Beachwear and ResortWear sectors
Meeting Area
The finalists of the CNA Federmoda competition for new brands and new product ideas
On stage: Hernandez Immaculee Jeannette, Martino Alessia, Querio Giulia, Tinti Angelica, Zennaro Michelle Morgana
Fashion Show Area
Upon invitation
Speaker: Massimo Torti Federazione Moda Italia
30 minutes
Meeting area
FW24/25 collection’s presentation
Fashion Show Area
Tasting offered by the companies of the Consortium Italian Lingerie Export
60 minutes Netwoking
Italian Lingerie Area
Speaker: Dario Casalini Slow Fiber
30 minutes
Meeting area
A thoughtful selection of the FW24/25 trends of the best brands shown in fair
On stage: Acquadicocco, Amadine, Annette Lingerie, Antigel, Brigitte Bardot, Calida, Clara, Chantelle, Chantelle Pulp, Gary, Lise Charmel, Mey, Morgan, Oscalito, Promise, Sans Complexe Paris, Simone Pérèle
Fashion Show Area
Upon invitation
Speaker: Massimo Torti Federazione Moda Italia
30 minutes
Meeting area
Speakers: Marco Pisani IntimaGroup and Massimo Torti Federazione Moda Italia
Meeting area